Between Jobs
Officially on leave from my school position (as of last Friday), this week has filled in rather quickly. On Monday I sat in on my first committee meeting… a joint committee hearing for both House and Senate Energy committees. I was fortunate to hear a presentation by Peak Oil expert, Matthew Simmons. A month ago, I was scrambling to learn more about this topic since it was introduced by my Senate race opponent Vance Norgaard. I had a chance to speak to Vance and other local constituents among the 120+ spectators gathered to hear Mr. Simmon’s presentation. The message was clear. Peak Oil is a worldwide problem that should have been addressed decades ago. Solutions to this problem, however, are not so clear. Stay tuned. It is a topic starting to make its way to the forefront of the news. I am excited to be on the Energy committee. It will be a tremendous opportunity to continue to work to solve the energy and environmental issues affecting all of us.
The turnout for the Super Tuesday caucuses was unbelievable. For those of you in attendance or for those of you who tried to drive down Division Street or Jefferson Parkway in Northfield between 6pm and 8pm, you know what I mean. There were nearly 2500 votes cast in the DFL caucuses for President. It is gratifying to see so many people exercising even the simplest act of voting in a straw poll. Many of those same people continued to stick around and discuss resolutions and vie for the opportunity to be elected to county and district conventions. This is grassroots politics at its best. There were plenty of lapel stickers for Obama, Steve Sarvi, Franken, Ciresi, Clinton, and others. David Bly and I had the chance to address many of the Wards and Precincts gathered for the evening. There is nothing better than a captive audience of supporters when delivering a message about what we hope to accomplish this legislative session.
My week off: On Monday I met with the directors of a nursing home in Belle Plaine. Yesterday I met with my new legislative assistant at the Capitol. This morning, following a brief caucus and legislative report for KYMN, I met with a an advocate for safe driving coalitions. I then traveled to Belle Plaine to speak to the Rotary Club and meet with members of the Belle Plaine city council. Returning to Northfield, I enjoyed meeting with Dr. Chris Richardson, Supt. of Northfield Schools and Business Manager Tom Stringer. These discussions will be of great help to me as I begin my work on the Senate Education Finance committee. Tomorrow I will be in Montgomery talking to the mayor, Superintendent of schools, Director of Economic development, and other local dignitaries. My appointment to the Commerce committee will hopefully give me some insight on how we can help our small town economies. I am also meeting with an advocate for the Mills Town bike trail and may be speaking to that issue at a hearing at the Capitol on Friday. I will also spend some time with one of our local citizens on Friday to talk about legislation related to gun control. Saturday, I will be in Belle Plaine at the Fish Tale Grill talking to area farmers. While I haven’t officially started the legislative session this has been a busy, but rewarding and exciting week. It is a great opportunity to meet my constituents and hear their concerns firsthand. It really will make those committee discussions so much more relevant.
Next: The first day of the legislative session.